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We all want to believe that love is this magical thing that fixes our problems and makes things perfect. We look for the love that we see in movies and fall for all of Hollywood’s lies. But the truth is, love will never be like that. Love is something you have to work at and fight for. It’s not always pretty and it’s definitely not magic, because not even love can keep two people together if they don’t try.
When someone talk and talk that he not have with who come at the end of the week, because interpersonal relationships are complicated and other side does not want to hear it, how that person can only feel at that moment? When someone really wants something, compromise is easy to achieve with very adaptable man
The school lacked a little ..... I can not wait to go to school ....
Sometimes we cant choose the music life gives us but we can definitely choose how we dance.
NO matter how worthless you think you are, There’s at least one person who thinks you are amazing.
To be aware is to be alive, To stand still is to Die....
Life is short ,break the rules ,forgive quickly,kiss slowly ,love truly ,help derivatives , laugh always and uncontrollably and never regret anything that u made smile :)
Love is to give all you have to one person, knowing full well you may never get anything in return, there are no conditions to true love, You trust first.
If you give your all to someone who does not do the same, It is not your fault when they get upset for when you stop. Expectation is not being giving. And Being half honest is not being faithful.
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.