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Most liked Facebook status updates - Page 138
roses are red violets are blue I love you I love you I really do when I see blue I think of you your eyes are blue too you told me you loved me I thought you were true but your just cheater you even cheated on me too now when I see blue I wont think of you ill just think of my love who I thought was true
Nasi pad*ng kok ada gorengan tempenya, udah macam warteg aja.. hadeuuh.. aya2 we..
There's this beautiful girl just f**ked me 40 ways from Sunday... we're done, she's walking to the bathroom, she's trying to walk, she turns... she looks... it's me. Not the Trojan army just f**ked her. Little old me. She gets this look on her face like: "How the hell did that happen?"
I need to know: why you want to go in any case, with me or without me, when you love me? You can achieve with me much more in every aspect, on much easier way, in every way that we choose. I want to go with you, but do you realy want same, when I can not meet with you?
For those who are still waiting to get Facebook Timeline.
<3 the way u feel feel the one u <3
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I just came out of church and i feel fresh !! dont get meh angry as its a sin and its sundai the day of rest xxx In the name of the lord the holy sprit . Amen xxxx
fakebook friends ignore the notification thats its yr birthday
mum...why are you always on that facebook daughter...*status update* like if your mums not on facebook