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The awkward moment in McDonald's when an emo orders a happy meal.
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Everyone has an annoying friend. If you don't have one, it's probably you.
Summer: Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better.
Went from being "sober" in to "drunk"...
Hurting mans ego is equally dangerous as breaking a womans heart...
If you tickle me i'm not responsible for your injuries.
"I wish there was a more convenient way to stalk others"- The phrase that started Facebook
Facebook is 1) A distraction. 2) A tracking device. 3) Where drama lives. 4) Everybody's diary.
I hope the Olympics teaches kids and parents that in real life you do not get a trophy just for participating.
It's not a real relationship until you secretly start to hate each other.
Wanna know who's AWESOME??? You ↖ You ↗ You ↙ You → You ↓ You ↩ You ↪ You ↬ You ↫ You ↪ You ↩ You ↲ You ↴ And You ↺